In order to integrate BioDigital Human models into your website or application via our Viewer API, Content API, iOS SDK, or Android SDK, you first need to register an app (i.e., your domain or application) in your BioDigital Human developer account. This step will generate a unique developer key and developer secret. (Learn more at Why do I have to register an app?)
To register an app in your developer account, take the following steps:
- Click the Account tab in the upper-right corner of the page.
- Select Manage Apps from the drop-down menu.
- Click the Add an app button on the right side of the page.
- Select your Platform:
- To use our Viewer API or Content API in a web integration, select Viewer API.
- For native iOS integrations, select iOS SDK.
- For native Android integrations, select Android SDK.
- Enter your app's Name (only you will see this), and domain(s)1 or bundle ID(s)2 where you will be loading your 3D models. Note: Our validation service will check for a match between your developer key and your domain(s) or bundle ID(s), so make sure you include all testing/staging and production domain(s)/bundle ID(s) where you plan to load models.
- Click the Edit icon to find your app’s developer secret. If you are using our Content API or Mobile SDKs, you will need this later to access models saved to My Library.
1Domains can be either a site URL (e.g., or a single IP address (e.g., If you wish to host the widget under a localhost domain, enter the following IP address: You may enter up to 300 domains per app.
2The bundle ID(s) for your iOS or Android mobile app that will be using the BioDigital Human iOS or Android SDK. The bundle ID will be a string, such as "com.biodigital.myapplication." You may enter up to 15 bundle IDs per app.
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